Buford Pope - We Got Time Tomorrow single
Buford Pope, (a.k.a. Mikael Liljeborg) was born in 1971 on Gotland, a Swedish limestone island in the Baltic Sea. With a small population and isolated from the Swedish mainland the young Mikael discovered music, primarily Bob Dylan and then on to other greats of the singer songwriter genre such as Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen and Jackson Browne. He recently released an outtake that didn't quite make his most recent, and fifth, album 'Sticks In The Throat' from 2014. Spotify users can listen to the track on the link below.
“When you record an album there are always a couple of songs left over. To use a cliché, kill your darlings. In this case, it was really true. This track didn’t make the album ‘Sticks In The Throat’, but instead of ‘killing’ it, I asked Anna to record a harmony on it (something she’s done on almost all the prior albums) and voilá, the outtake ‘We Got Time Tomorrow’ was finished”