YES announce Official 50th Anniversary Celebrations
Iconic UK progressive rock act YES will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a host of events set to coincide with their March 2018 UK tour. The London Palladium over the weekend of March 24-25th 2018 looks like being the essential destination for the hardcore YES / prog rock fan with Prog Magazine sponsoring the YES Fan Convention. Expect to see current band members, YES alumni and Roger Dean over the weekend and I'm pleased to report that all profits from the event are going to charity which is always great to hear. So why not come along, pick up a copy of the new Drama line-up version of 'Fly From Here' and enjoy live music from SeYes and Fragile. Full details and all the links for tickets etc follow:
Fifty years since the formation of Prog giants, YES, is something worth celebrating and YES intend to celebrate with their fans. They have announced a weekend of events to coincide with their two London shows on 24th & 25th March, the final dates of their 2018 UK tour.
On Sunday, 25th March, the London Palladium will host the YES FAN CONVENTION, an afternoon devoted to all things YES, attended by both current members of the band and YES alumni. This unique event is sponsored by Prog Magazine and will feature:-
¥ The official launch and world-wide exclusive availability of the Drama line-up version of Fly From Here, new lead vocals throughout by Trevor Horn, and remix by Trevor, including an unreleased track. (limited numbers available for purchase)
¥ Roger Dean artwork on display and for sale. Trading Boundaries (Prog Rock venue) will host Rogers stand at which a new piece of artwork for Close to the Edge will be revealed for the first time
Q & A with various guests & Roger Dean
¥ Exclusive free YES FAN DAY souvenir programme (limited numbers available)
¥ Raffle of YES collectables (monies will go to the chosen charities)
¥ Prog editor, Jerry Ewing. will discuss Prog Magazine and future book release
¥ YES Memorabilia display in the foyer (Curated by David Watkinson)
¥ YES tribute bands: SeYeS and Fragile (with Clair Hamill) will perform classic YES songs
More announcements will follow. Tickets for the Fan Convention are £30 (plus booking fee). Free entry for those who have bought Meet & Greet packages for Saturday or Sunday shows.
All profits from the YES Fan Convention will be donated to 2 charities: The Christie Hospital in Manchester, who looked after the much-loved YES fan Malcolm Birkett, prior to his passing in 2015 ( and Kangaroos, whose aims are to enhance the lives of special needs and disabled children (
For full details and to book please go to: or
YES Live Tales photo by GottliebBros
YES concert Tickets for the Palladium and all UK shows are available via the ticket links at 24hr Ticket Hotline 0844 249 2222 (subject to fees). Also available from venue box offices and select authorised ticket agencies. Front row, Meet & Greet & VIP packages are also available from There is no support. Please see ticket for start time.
MARCH 2018 (UK & Europe)
Tues 13th Bristol Colston Hall
Weds 14th Sheffield City Hall
Fri 16th Glasgow SEC Armadillo
Sat 17th Manchester Bridgewater Hall
Sun 18th Gateshead Sage
Tues 20th Birmingham Symphony Hall
Weds 21st Brighton Centre
Fri 23rd Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
Sat 24th London Palladium
Sun 25th London Palladium